Monday, May 16, 2005

Weekend highlights (or lack thereof)

This weekend was quite drab. I sat around all weekend long and read books, which I found quite interesting but you all probably find it rather boring. I finished On The Road and started in on Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I'm about halfway through Fear and Loathing, and I must say that I find Kerouac to be a much more intriguing and stimulating author. He put a sense of emotion and realism into Dean and Sal and their adventures that made me feel like I was sitting next to them in the car on their adventures. He raised a desire of adventure and excitement within me which made me keep on reading, page after page, wanting to find out what was going to happen next and if they would ever find 'IT.' Kerouac connected with me on this point, as I feel that part of my time here in London has been searching myself and trying to find the 'IT' in myself. And with regards to his pre-gonzo style of writing, I find it to be more effective than Thompson's, and not to the extreme of Selby Jr's, as it seems to be a perfect mix of stream of concious and traditional style to get the point across. He really manages to bring the characters alive in a way that I have not traditionally read before. Thompson on the other hand just seems to talk about drugs, drugs, drugs and while they are searching for the American Dream through drugs and blah, blah, blah, I find Kerouac to have more substance.

Anyways, today all of my British friends are turning in a project that they've been working hard all weekend on, so I think that it should be a good time tonight as they will have reason to celebrate. I am currently at Starbucks, as it is the only place I can get an internet connection on my Powerbook, and will be heading up to Uni in a bit to work on my portfolio. Fun times.

"remember the weight of the world
it's a sound that we used to buy
on cassette and 45 and now this little girl
she says will we make it all
800 miles is a drive"
--opening verse to I Summon You by Spoon

1 comment:

the syndicate said...

starbucks in UK, bollocks to that. i hope your sipping french press. stay classy mr. loring