Saturday, May 21, 2005


Well, I am sitting here in the computer lab on this gloomy, rainy Saturday waiting for the queue of drawings to get to me. I am really quite bored, I just wish that my drawings would plot off properly for once. I have been sitting here for an hour, and so far none of my drawings have plotted. It has been raining all day long and I got soaked on my way to uni. I am really freaking hungry right now, but I cannot leave the lab b/c I may lose my place in line and it is pouring out right now so I couldn't go get food anywhere even if I could keep my place. If anyone has some good suggestions for websites on which I can waste my time, by all means post them up.

I swear, this is the worst possible setup they have here. You have to have credit on your account before you can plot, and you can only credit your account from 9-5 Monday through Friday when the lab technician is in. And as we all know, plotting always goes wrong, so you are SOL when the piece of crap plotter decides to randomly delete 6 of your plots (£30 worth), and then leaving you with not enough money on your account to plot off again. So, I have to wait until Monday to plot off the rest of my drawings. Jesus, I hate this freaking setup.

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