Friday, May 13, 2005

Done-dy!! (well, sorta)

Had my final crit for the material testing labratory project yesterday. It went ok, I was told to be more 'Kingston-like' in my representation of my work, meaning that I should be more artsy in my presentation and not as rigid and K-State-esque. It really is quite striking how different these two universites are, as KSU is all about clean, precise line drawings and extremely detailed and exact model building, focusing more on the techtonics and art of building. Kingston is much more art school oriented (it is in the College of Art and Design), focusing instead on the space created by buildings, and using graphics and color to evoke the emotion and feel of the building instead. Here's a link to the architecture departments homepage:

Over the next couple of weeks (till Friday the 27th) I have to organize and submit a portfolio of my work this semester, ranging from schematic sketches and developmental models to final drawings. It should be interesting to see what all I can scrounge up, as I haven't really done all that much work while I've been here. I am going to take some of my drawings into photoshop and 'Kingstonize' them, so that will add some content. Oh well, the only thing that will be annoying is plotting, as you can tell from my previous post. Apparently, the uni is getting two more color plotters next week, but it will still cost £5 (~$10) a sheet to plot off. And with close to 15 sheets needed, that's a lot of cash.

Oh, here's a pic that I found on the Kingston website that is a first year project that looks quite similar to my mapping project done last semester for the Manhattan fire station:


the syndicate said...

that is creepy. collective thought

sloring said...

sharing is caring