Wednesday, May 25, 2005


It's hard to believe that in less than 4 days my parents will be here, this semester has just flown by.

Yesterday I went to Canterbury to check out the cathedral and the rest of the town. The cathedral was pretty dope, but I wasn't too excited about the rest of the city. I only ended up spending about 3 hours in the town, about half of which was at the cathedral. I don't have pics up yet, but they should be up tomorrow, as I forgot to load them onto my jump drive and bring them up here today.

I only have one more sheet to plot off before I am done with my portfolio. I am pretty excited about that, as I am very anxious to get the schoolwork of this semester over with; I am not used to working this late into the summer. I am now completely off of school mode in my mind, as I really only have 9 more nights at my place in Hampton Wick before I leave to go back to the States. Man, I still cannot quite comprehend how shortly everything will change again...


Anonymous said...


sloring said...

haha, no just my parents