Thursday, July 07, 2005

London Bombings

My mom woke me up this morning to tell me of the terrorist attacks in London. So far there are about 45 dead and over a thousand injured. My first reaction was one of shock, followed very closely by feelings of anger towards the people who did this. I know realize that while significant, this is not near the level of 9/11, and while it is important to help and be concerned about people, life must go on. People in London are still working and going about their business, and that is what they need to be doing. Terrorists must not be allowed to think that they are getting anything accomplished by their cowardly actions, and I know the resolve of Londoners; this will not sway them.

I have emailed several of my friends, but have not gotten any replies back. One of my dad's law partners, a guy who lives and works in London and whom I had lunch with several times, was located very near the blasts and I got an auto reply stating that he will be out of the office until Monday, so I know that he is at least alive.

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