Thursday, June 16, 2005



Jetlag is not cool.

I have been back a few days now, and this morning I have felt like complete rubbish. I can go to bed at a normal hour, but I seem to be waking up early (9 yesterday, 7:45 today) and cannot go back to sleep. Last night I hung out with some of my old mates that I hadn't seen since Xmas, and one of my friends has a Wrangler, so we drove around and did some offroading last night with the top and doors off, and now this morning my throat is quite sore, I hope only from all the dust I was breathing. I also have a headache (nothing new, I've had one since I got on the aeroplane), my legs hurt, and I feel groggy. Bollocks.

I was going to go to Manhappiness today and get my keys and stuff taken care off at my new place that I'm renting, but I don't feel good enough to drive 4 hours as well as work later today.

That's right, work. I am about to regret what I am going to type, but I am back at Starbucks. After being in Europe trying many different varieties of coffee and tea, I have found that Starbucks is not quite up to par like I had once thought. Also, the atmosphere in the place blows, to be completely honest. It's always a bunch of young professionals, or yuppies, buzzing in and out, and not taking time to actually enjoy their coffee. I love sitting in a cafe and relaxing while drinking coffee, maybe chatting to some friends, maybe reading a book or newspaper, and it seems to me like Starbucks has become too mechanicized to allow the freedom that you get in individual chains. So, I'm off to work 6 more weeks for the man, only b/c it's the only place I can get a job for that short of a time, and then I will go back to Manhattan where I will look for a job for this fall, hopefully at Radinas, a real coffee shop. Cheerio.

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