Well, the film is done and I can relax now. I had a little bit of trouble exporting the final film on Friday morning, but it all got taken care of before it was due. At 2:30pm we had our semi-critique, and had two professors come in and basically just watch our films and talk about what they thought was good and what they thought wasn't. It was pretty generic criticism, and they didn't really say much about mine, which could be good or bad, depending on how you look at it. Personally, I was disappointed with how mine turned out, I felt that the colors were too harsh, a lot of my shots felt rushed, and I didn't really develop much of a 'look' to it. I did some work on it yesterday after the crit, tuning it up and such, and I think that I am going to do some more work on it this weekend as well.
Monday we start a new project which will build upon this theme of the courtyard house that we have been dealing with all semester, and as of now I am going to be designing a music recording and production studio. I have been doing some research on studio design today, but I would like to find some case studies which I could study in more depth.
Tomorrow is going to be just as exciting as today I imagine, because for the past two weeks I haven't had any time to do my normal maintainence duties (laundry, groceries, etc), so I will be cleaning lots of stuff tomorrow, yay me!!!