Sunday, June 25, 2006

Change is coming

Well, Tuesday is the big day.

At 11am I will be taking off from KCI aiport on my way to my new apartment in New York City, whereupon I will be taking a cab loaded with my luggage of jeans, shirts, socks, underwear and my computer to a 3 story brick house in the Ditmars area of Astoria, Queens. Hopefully my broker will be there with my keys, or else I will be sitting there waiting on the sidewalk for her to show up, my luggage acting as a very nice makeshift chair. I have no furniture, so the following day I will be making a trip to IKEA to find me some not so quality, cheap modern furniture and a mattress where I can lay my tired body. Hopefullly on Friday my 6 boxes of misc. items plus two boxes of computer parts will arrive without any major holes in them, and I will be able to assemble some sort of a home between those brick walls, a place where I will dwell.

It's funny that the word dwell has become such a critical one for me in this transitional stage of my life. I spent all of last semester studying the meaning and implications of the word and now I get a chance to put my knowledge of the word to use in a different way. Instead of designing a house with an unlimited budget and scope, I will now be focused on a very limited budget with just as great of a scope. I see this as a space that will be me for the next several years, and one that I will need to feel comfortable in. I'm not talking a pre-Brad Pitt encountering Edward Norton style of determining whether or not this rug best describes me as a person, but a space that will allow me to be creative and confident in my life. It is intimidating moving to a city of 12 million, and if I have my own little corner of it in which I can draw strength from, then perhaps that will give me the extra push that I need. I still have no job, and this something that has constantly been at the back of my mind, as I will only have about 3 months of rent saved up before I have to find another channel of funds. If this place can help me to consolidate my mind and motivations, and give me a little bit of luck then hopefully good things will be in store for me.

Now I must go pack, as time is of the essence.


Nicole said...

Best of luck, Sam. Good things will come to you, I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

Sam! Good luck in your move -- it's definitely scary at first, moving to a new city where you don't know anybody (or a couple people at best). But no worries, it gets better; you just have to find your own space, like you say.

ercwttmn said...

good luck sammy,

everything will work out. but make sure you find a rug that really ties the room together.