Tuesday, March 07, 2006


It's amazing how my process in studio can be so related to other aspects of my life. I am currently working on figuring out the structure of my house and drawing a framing/structural plan, and it seems like I am attempting to structure other parts of my life as well. I have recently purchased a daily planner so that I can get my schedule organized. I am also in the process of trying to find a job, something that will hopefully provide more structure to my life once I start working it. I have chosen the above picture to represent this [Nelson's Column in Trafalgar Square], as I have also been reminiscing about London. I was looking through all of my old Travelcards, ticket stubs, and brochures yesterday after looking at what a friend did with his that consisted of creating a montage of them in his sketchbook. Perhaps I will do the same, but write down what I am feeling about these things one year later.

I have also started to reread a book that I read in England by the great Thomas Merton. He was recommended to me by a professor and I picked up the book one day about a year ago and it really made me take a look at myself and what I believe. The other day there were some monks in the student union creating a mandela, and their work reminded me of Merton's work, so I decided to reread it. It is very inspiring and provoking material, and I am currently reading about the disparity between one's real, true self, and the self that wears a mask of who we want to be. Merton says it best:
"The deep secrecy of my own being is often hidden from my by my own estimate of what I am. My idea of what I am is falified by my admiration for what I do. And my illusions about myself are bred by contagion from the illusions of other men. We all seek to imitate one another's imagined greatness."

Below are some images I have posted before, but I made the last time I was reading Merton:

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