Tuesday, October 04, 2005

gorilla film time

This past weekend was fall break, and my girlfriend was in town, so I didn't get much work done in studio, obviously. I came up yesterday and began working extensively on my gorilla film that is due tomorrow, and progress is naturally slow. Currently I am trying to get all of my shots into Final Cut Pro HD [gotta <3 the Mac], while rendering on my PC. Woohoo for multi-tasking!!! Fortunately we don't have to have all of our shots rendered nicely out, as some of mine are quite pathetic looking. These [gorilla] films are supposed to help us focus on the cuts and editing, so that we can produce our film more effectively. So, I don't plan on getting much sleep tonight [again,whatelseisnew?]...cheers.


ercwttmn said...

good luck sammy

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't plan on getting much sleep all semester...but you seem to know what you are doing...good thing you had a good computing TA 3rd yr....