Monday, July 25, 2005

The South will rise again!!!

...well, some people think so anyways.

Yesterday I went to a band concert in Roanoke, Missouri, the town that my grandpa and grandma grew up in. My grandma is no longer with us, and since is was the 99th year that the concert was taking place, I figured that I should go. I had a good time, it was good to spend some time with my grandpa. Below are some pics.

My grandpa attempting to eat a delicious burnt sugar cake:

Roanoke used to have over 100 residents; now it has about 10 and most houses that are still standing look like this:

My sister looking at my grandma's gravestone:

And here's a pic of my 'new' apartment in Manhattan:


the syndicate said...

looks like you had a good time. i like the molding above your doorways. i would paint that bright green.

sloring said...

I'm going to paint it red, symbolic for the innocence that will be taken underneath it!!!!! MUaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!

ercwttmn said...

how far south in missouri, is roanoke?

sloring said...

its basically on I-70